Saturday, February 04, 2006

Elizabeth looks like...

What better post to do while doing laundry with a free wireless connection. I had thought of continuing with the redesign of the Navan site into CSS (seriously old school web site we have there at the moment) but this was too tempting once I started seeing the list form. Thanks to Candy (backlink coming once I can find it again) for this diversion: Google "so-and-so looks like" to discover things you never knew but always suspected about yourself.

Elizabeth looks like:

...she could be a poker babe. (oy, what a start)
...she's about to pass out from a combination of the heat and being unable to breathe because of her corset. (2 pts for anyone who can name that reference (not in my life) without the aid of a search engine - honor system only, and 3 for anyone who can relate it directly to my life)
..who wants to fall through any opening in the floor she can find, even if it sends her to the circle of Hell where... (yikes!) etching of Geronimo.
...a stunned rabbit.
...a cadavre (sic), more dead than alive. (I think I liked the rabbit better.)
...she knows she's being difficult.
...a donut (excellent on its own or with the rest of the quote: because she has been around for so long and is coated in sugar as a means of self-preservation. HA!)
..she will be smiling a lot. :-)
...she is performing.
...she may pee standing up on a bad day. (I wonder what it is about the bad day that makes that a necessity.)
...she could conquer most nineties guys before breakfast. (HA!)

So there you are, a small bit of mindless (google-brained?) amusement for you. I'll have to work on pulling the attitude to go with that last one, but I'm afraid I'll end up looking more like the one after Geronimo.

1 comment:

C said...

LOL! So you're standing there, well-preserved (or dead) and peeing (after a particularly bad day (see "dead") ) and you fall through a hole in the floor that sends you to to one of the circles of Hell. Ouch!

The corset thing I can only guess must be in referece to a movie or a painting. Can't do it w/out Google. Bummer. But I will venture that this also nearly happened to you during/after a dance performance, LOL! Or else Anna was involved in the movie, and we can Kevin Bacon it to you through her. :o)