Saturday, June 09, 2007

reanimating, deanimating

This has truly been the great abandoned blog. To be quite honest I got a bit weirded out by the basic voyeuristic nature of personal blogs. I have been living plenty of my life in a somewhat public arena among my various artistic endeavors.

I think this summer might be a good time to bring some life back in to the abandoned blog. A few reasons:

  1. (here's the deanimation portion of the title) I'll be basically stuck in the house for a good 6 weeks post surgery later this month and likely bored out of my mind with not much in reach but my pain meds, a big stack of books, regular doses of Netflix, and my laptop. Reaching out to the world out of my house gets appealing under these circumstances!

  2. The reason for the surgery is something that is a relatively new (last 10 years or so) diagnosis and it seems most patients are desperate to learn anything they can from other people that are going/have gone through it. So for anyone who finds this and has been diagnosed with a torn labrum and FAI (femoral acetabular or femoroacetabular impingement) you can keep watching here and I'll feed you all sorts of details about my experiences with the diagnosis, the procedure itself and the progress of my hip's recovery. I'll be having an open surgical dislocation with femoral notchplasty. They'll burr down part of the ball of the femur, repair and reattach the labrum, and burr down part of the bone on the pelvic side of things. I'll even tag posts so you can ignore the non-hip musings.
For those of you who used to keep an eye on this set of musings, but don't get to see me very much or at all (or don't know me!) here's the update (admitting to that voyeuristic nature in blog readers):

In the last year I have...

  • gotten engaged:

  • bought a house:

  • relieved the dying pan of its duties

  • finally finished and released a third cd

So there you have it folks. My cortisone shot has been fading so my time here will likely be increasing as I make good friends with the couch!

1 comment:

Grand Marnier said...

YAY! You're back!!