Tuesday, June 26, 2007

pain meds

yesterday was a particularly nasty day. Percocet and I don't get on well. That's what I'd been on since surgery and on Sunday I was finally able to piece together that the hallucinations were thanks to the Percocet. I kept dozing off and waking myself up a minute later talking to someone who wasn't there. That alone I might have been able to hack, but it was making me feel dead-ill besides... didn't want food, dizzy, nauseous. So I swapped out to Tylenol yesterday while I tried to get in touch with my doc, but it wasn't cutting it and I couldn't get through to him. Finally later in the day I caught a nurse who suggested trying a half dose of the Perc but that threw me back into feeling awful. Thankfully the nurse had a bright idea of mixing Tylenol with a benedryl which serves to make you sleepy enough that you doze off and your body can get back to healing itself.

Last night I slept for about 12 hours (not quite straight, but close).

Achy allover today but some swelling is going down a bit. Sick of the anti-embolism stockings.

But so glad to not have the issues from the Percocet. I made the same choice after my wisdom teeth were out and they gave me hydrocodone. Pain over drugs.

1 comment:

Alan said...

"Pain over drugs." Spoken like an experienced dancer!