What you see here is a small pan of pasta sauce. And yes, that's the handle sitting on the counter next to the stove. On the up side, when the handle came off it didn't give me a chance to lift the pot enough for anything extremely red to happen.
As in any good Dr. Seuss story, where there is a thing one, there is always a thing two.
I decided it was probably time to pull the broccoli, having checked it just recently when it was very nearly ready. I walked it over to the sink, lifted the lid,

I start to see why it is that all the plastic veggie steamers on the internet are listed as "microwave vegetable steamers. (Let me say in my own defense that I've been using this one this way for a long time with no ill effects - and more water, I reckon.) I suppose it's time to go in for one of the stainless ones. I also suspect that the time for these pots to serve is nearly over. This is the first time the handle of the little pot has come off mid-cook, but the one on the matching saute pan has a tendency to go wobbly. They've had a good long life now. They all came from the same original set, purchased by my mother at something like age 25 with her first symphony paycheck.
Holy Hannah! Watch out for Thing Three! (they usually com e in 3s around here)
Poor steamer! I have a metal one I got for either 25 or 50 cents at a garage sale. 'Tis a good time of year to score one like that! :-)
Okay, it's been a year. Any updates? A new cooking pot, perhaps?
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