Friday, June 29, 2007

drugs, schmugs

It's amazing to me that the pain really hasn't been the worst of this thing. They tried me on a different narcotic - one that is supposed to be widely tolerated - and it was just as bad on my system. I don't think I was hallucinating but I haven't felt so sick with the flu as I did with the drugs. So that's it for me - Tylenol it is. Yesterday I worked my way through a fair bit of ginger ale and some crackers, eventually working my way up to rice - yippee!

For now I'm just looking forward to feeling well enough to attend my friends' wedding tomorrow, and I'm really bummed about a show tonight at Montmartre that I'd love to see, but other than that I think I'm on the mend.


Unknown said...

Hey, my first attempt at blogging ! Sounds like its taking the time it takes, but rice is a good sign. Some movies we've watched lately ( by way of stay at home entertainment): The Good German, Being Julia


Sparrow said...

oooh - I haven't seen either of those. More fun for the Netflix cue! And you just reminded me that I saw a note about a movie called The Lady and the Duke that looked interesting. Anyone seen that?