Wednesday, July 11, 2007


3 weeks down, 3 weeks to go (well, on the crutches anyway). After that I can start working my way back to normal activity!

The thing about being out for surgery is that just about the time you're starting to feel better you get ideas about little things you could do to pass the time, but once you actually feel up to doing them it's time to admit that you should be thinking about getting back to work. I've still been crashing out mid-way through the day, and as often as not, dozing off during an evening movie, but I think I'll start trying a few short days at work again. You'd think a hospital would be good with all the accessibility, but it turns out that working in a city unto itself has some drawbacks. The main one is that you can travel an easy half mile just to get from one place to another in the building (door to office for example). Maybe there are more advantages to a 20 person office than I realized!

I've been working up to it though... took a crutch around the block the other evening, and getting back to playing my flute again (that didn't used to feel aerobic!).

For today it's Edward Scissorhands (I'm amazed that's been out for 17 years and I still haven't seen it), a shower, a nap, and then maybe going in to clear out the inbox at work this afternoon...


Alan said...

OK, I give up, what does "moitie, moitie" mean?

Nice insight about the paradox of recuperation and recovering.

dl004d said...

Damn. After today, I'm going to be the last one left who hasn't seen "Edward Scissorhands."

Alan said...

Ok found my own answer now
if this is what you meant - anyway it makes sense!

Sparrow said...

ha! Kind of, though I'd never heard of the movie. You can thank my godmother for that by way of my mom this morning... it's a French phrase that basically means half and half (not the creamy kind) or 50/50. And if I hadn't been being lazy I would have gotten around to the moitié-moitié part with the accents.

Sparrow said...

ahh, the magic of being able to edit later.

@dl004d - that might be true. At least it is now among your moderately extended family. I totally enjoyed it , for what it's worth. Nice to see Winona in her sweet young days.