...but the wind was a bit of a bear:

Holy action shot, Batman!
Those shots were taken mere moments apart. I think mostly what we got were some great templates of shots we want to reshoot in kinder wind. There are a few where Sheila looks just like (name any model with big long hair) in those hairspray ads where they're trying to prove that you can do anything with their product. I am now convinced that all those shots are bunk and are just done in a wind tunnel.
A few minutes ago I ran down to the corner store. I love having a corner store I can run down to. (I did actually drive somewhere today but I also love the fact that I drive rarely enough that I was clueless about the leaning toward $2.70 pump prices a friend retched about today.) But the real point here is that I love having a corner store. Some odd guy came in while I was in there and my first instinct was to make myself semi-invisible. He mumbled a few things at the person who runs the place - asking him to make change or something like that - and headed out again. I reappeared from the back of the store about to ask the owner a question about cough medicine only to find that he was wielding a can of Lysol over the entire airspace on the customer side of the counter. If it was enough to make the owner of a corner store try to instantly disinfect, I'm glad I was given the option of breathing in freshly sprayed Lysol instead.
Hey, isn't this the perfect opportunity for "surprise inside the cereal box" photo contrast? The top photo on the outside packaging, the bottom photo inside, for humor value. I have a vague memory of enjoying similar sorts of photo gags in some Irish folk album(s) or other ...
LOL! That second pic would be fun inside the liner notes. :-)
Yikes. Was that guy Pigpen all grown up?
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